
MERI accepts scholarly written articles for publication

MERI is pleased to announce it will begin accepting submissions for publications of scholarly articles starting January 2016. It welcomes contributions that aim to analyse contemporary and historical dynamics and developments in the sphere of politics, economy and society. MERI places special value on interdisciplinary works that bring together analytical tools and concepts from different disciplines of social sciences. Integrity of data, plausibility, originality and clarity of arguments are the four main criteria for MERI’s publications.

Submissions should be related to any one of MERI’s Research Programs: International Politics and National Security; Democracy and Governance; Economics, Energy and Environment; Science, Health, Education and Public Services; and Community, Civil Society and Cultural Development. While it is not required that publications be focused on Kurdistan, submissions should have clear relevance to the Middle East.

The institute accepts for publication research articles, op-eds and policy notes. Research Articles will have a well-defined question with critical analysis backed by properly cited data or scholarly literature. Op-eds, shorter in length, will make a strong point or argument relating to contemporary issues. Policy notes will draw on primary and secondary sources, and make use of analytical tools and empirical data in order to make a structured, plausible argument.

For more information on MERI’s publication criteria, style guide, and peer review process, please visit MERI’s Submissions page.

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About MERI:  The Middle East Research Institute is Iraq’s leading policy-research institute and think tank. It is an independent, entirely grant-funded not-for-profit organisation, based in Erbil, Kurdistan Region.  Its mission is to contribute to the process of nation-building, state-building and democratisation via engagement, research, analysis and policy debates.

MERI’s main objectives include promoting and developing human rights, good governance, the rule of law and social and economic prosperity. MERI conduct high impact, high quality research (including purpose-based field work) and has published extensively in areas of: human rights, government reform, international politics, national security, ISIS, refugees, IDPs, minority rights (Christians, Yezidis, Turkmen, Shabaks, Sabi mandeans), Baghdad-Erbil relations, Hashd Al-Shabi, Peshmarga, violence against women, civil society. MERI engages policy- and decision-makers, the civil society and general public via publication, focused group discussions and conferences (MERI Forum).

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