Emergency Security Briefings: Political and Situation Updates


Project Description

Full Title: Emergency Security Briefings: Political and Situation Updates
Lead Fellow: Sam Morris, MERI, International Politics and National Security
Project in Brief: MERI’s Emergency Security Briefings provide updates on the current security and political crisis in Iraq.
Term: 2014 – 2015
Most Recent: Publications and Events



Since the fall of Mosul the security situation in Northern Iraq and the Kurdish Region has drastically changed. A new threat has emerged, in the form of the Islamic State, creating a new level of instability in the region. During such times, accurate information is vital. Often misinformation and a lack of understanding is apparent in the mass-media and the international and local communities. MERI aims to mitigate this by opening a direct channel of communication with government sources and representatives.

The Project

MERI aims to provide comprehensive and incisive coverage of developments in security and political issues through regular Security Briefings. These events bring representatives of the political, military and security sectors together to provide a detailed and accurate overview of recent developments. Such briefings are intended to inform both local and international journalists as well as representatives from international and local business of the dynamic security situation. High-level KRG political and military officials, representatives of the business community, members of the foreign consuls, and a large section of the international press are often invited.

These briefings are usually held in question and answer format to engage the speakers and audience. While having a focus on recent military developments, these briefings also provide access and insight into political developments and the security situation inside the KRI.

Publications and Events

Emergency Briefing on current Security Developments
MERI Emergency Security Briefing

For more information please contact Mr Sam Morris from our International Politics and National Security program: sam.morris@meri-k.org