Presentation and Roundtable on Empowering Women in Peacebuilding, Stabilisation and Recovery in Nineveh.
In the context of the Nineveh Paths to Social Cohesion, Coexistence and Peace Project, MERI, in conjunction with PATRIR, UPP, the Nineveh Provincial Council and UNDP is pleased to invite you to a special event on
Women, Recovery, and Social Cohesion in Nineveh
Monday January 18, 2015
From 2-4 pm at MERI’s Office in Erbil
Participation: the event is open to staff of national and international organisations, UN agencies, and community workers and experts addressing issues of gender, social cohesion, coexistence, peacebuilding, stabilization and recovery in Nineveh. The focus of the presentation and discussion will be on empowering the role of women and women’s leadership and participation in recovery and stabilization in Nineveh.
Brief expert presentations will be provided by:
Eva Dalak – international expert and consultant to the UN and EU on gender and post-war peacebuilding and recovery; and
Ala Ali – UN consultant and author of the UN conflict analysis on Nineveh
Presentations will be followed by round-table discussion with participating agencies and organizations to identify: current programmes and priorities related to gender, women, peace and recovery in Nineveh; key issues relating to women’s participation and empowerment, and recommendations for moving this work forward.
Space is limited so please RSVP Luca Magno, Nineveh Paths Project Coordinator at to confirm your attendance. Directions to the event will be sent to all confirmed participants or you can receive them directly by writing to