State-building in the Eyes of Iraq’s Political Leaders: Khamis Khanjar
May 29th, 2023 by MERI
The leader of Al-Siyada Coalition stressed his commitment to the political agreement that all parties of the government agreed on. But Delivery takes time and the budget law is critical.
State-building in the Eyes of Iraq’s Political Leaders: Ammar Al-Hakim
May 29th, 2023 by MERI
Leader of the Al-Hikma Movement sharing his thoughts on the key factors necessary to create a strong and successful Iraqi state.
Iraq in the Middle East: Zero-Problem with Neighbours
May 29th, 2023 by MERI
Iraq wants to engage with the international community and pursue good relations with its neighbours based on national interests. What are the current dynamics, power alignments and opportunities?
State-Building in Iraq and the Role of the International Community
May 29th, 2023 by MERI
What does the post-2003 process of state-building in Iraq show? Is Iraq’s democracy viable? How can the international community work to serve Iraqis, and what responsibility do they both bear? All in this session.
Modernisation and Reform of Iraqi Security and Armed Forces: In Theory and Practice
May 29th, 2023 by MERI
Iraq’s security sector and armed forces have grown beyond the Constitution and now pose a major challenge to the state’s ability to control violence. Reforming this sector is an urgent priority
Stability in Diversity: Saving Iraq’s multi-cultural Identity: Sinjar as an Exemplar
May 29th, 2023 by MERI
Iraq authorities must take greater responsibility for displaced Iraqis, including Yazidis, in camps. In this panel: the recent efforts to support reconstruction in Sinjar, and what more can be done to support the Yazidi community.
The Kurdistan Region: A Substate Actor on the National and International Stage
May 27th, 2023 by MERI
The President of the KRI, Nechirvan Barzani, expressed his views on the current dynamic in the KRI, between Erbil & Baghdad, and the role of the Region on the world stage.
Iraq’s Immediate Policy Priorities and the Challenges ahead
May 27th, 2023 by MERI
The Iraq Forum was held 6m after the inauguration of PM Al-Sudani’s government, which faces high expectations and pressures to address Iraq’s multi-layered challenges. In this policy debate, Al-Sudani sheds light on the overall strategies followed by his Administration.
Erbil-Baghdad relations: Twenty years since the regime change
March 20th, 2023 by MERI
Since 2003, outstanding issues between Baghdad and Erbil have gone through various phases & taken different forms, with critical milestones characterising and shaping an uneasy relationship.
Twenty years of Iraq-US engagement: Where do we go now?
March 15th, 2023 by MERI
The US led ‘coalition of the willing’ invaded Iraq in 2003, ending the most oppressive regime. The two countries started a tumultuous mutual engagement, which is likely to become more amicable, predictable and mutually rewarding in the future.